Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New week, New school.

This past Monday I began work at a new school. This one is closer to where I live and I am considering, when I get a bike; to take a ride to school.

The staff, more or less is the same as the other school. Very relax and laid back. In some instances, more laid back than the other school. I saw the principle come into school with a collard shirt and tie. Within about 10 minutes he had it off and was in a t-shirt and track suit. He is really relaxed and I'm almost sure that he walks just off of school grounds and out of eyesight of the kids to take a smoke break. He's a riot.

Though I started work yesterday, I didn't do much. I spent the majority of it indoors. While I was inside, I just sat and drew pictures all day. I drew a lot for the other teachers and staff. I was to sit in on the art class but sadly there was no art class for the day.

The art teacher sits right across from me and she is the same age. Although, she looks like she is sixteen. That seems to be the main case with a lot of women here. They take care of themselves, really well.

When I had the chance to get out of the teachers room, I did. I spent some time with students but not much. Enough to say hello.

The most enjoyable parts of going to a new school are watching the students reactions. Most notably the girls. If I were unaware of reading peoples emotions, I would assume that the average teenage girls face is always a bight red and they're always embarrassed.

When the day ended, I left the school. I would have liked to stay longer but I opted out to go home. I was hungry.

Today was a bit different. To sum it up, partly because I am hungry and tired of typing. I introduced myself to the whole school. That wasn't hard. I then taught a couple of classes, which was fun.

I have noticed that class size makes a huge different. A class of 18 is much more fun than a class of 34.

On another note, kids here pretty much don't need authority. When it is time for sports, they get their gear on and go out and practice. The teachers hardly ever monitor the clubs. Its mostly directed by the kids and they know what drills are appropriate. Feedback is only necessary on something a bit more complex or technical.

Plus, you always need to remember to bow to the soccer field or baseball field before entering or exiting the field. Same goes for the gym. Has to be that Shintoist aspect of culture here. Which isn't bad really, if you have respect for a field and are willing to care for it, same should go for other things. Which reminds me, I need to wash some dishes.

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